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st. Pyatnickay 69 Moscow 495

Company description

Energy Crude Oil
Office & School Supplies Time Recording
  • 7 - 926 - 6209428
  • 7 - 926 - 6209428

More Information

RussNeft headquarters is cituated in Russia Moscow. NK RussNeft OAO came into existence in September 2002. st. Pyatnickay 69 Moscow 495. During 2002 and 2003 the Company consolidated its business acquiring promising upstream assets. RussNeft active in Energy, Crude Oil. Initially the policy of the Company was aimed at setting up a high-performance competitive structure ranking among the leaders...

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tochno energy link

Tochno Energy link is one of the best oil companies in the CIS. We have made a lot of transactions with many countries over the world. Truth fortune located in syberia, have our own factories. The Syberia office responsible for world wide marketing and documents. We mainly deal with crude oil and Petroleum Petroleum products such as REBCO. Direct to seller. In order to meet different customers' needs, we have a strong team in our company center. This will enable us to develop more challengeable products for your market or produce according to your requirements.



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Huston Commerce LLC

We would like to offer you the high quality peat fuel pellets. The pellets are manufactured in our plant in Kaliningrad / Russia.The price is 90 euro per 1 ton EXW Kaliningrad. We can offer 30 000 ton of peat pellets each month. In the moment we are manufacturing about 1 000 Ton of pellets a month. We are going to increase this rate to 3 000 ton a month in the near future therefore we are highly interested in new customers for our product. There is the specification of our pellets:moisture of operational fuel (d) : 12.6%profitableness of totally dry mass (As) : 4.7%sulphur content (S) : 0.3 %bomb thermal value of totally dry mass (Q) :18570 KJ/kg (4440 kKal/kg) lower thermal value of operating fuel (Q) :15050 KJ/kg (3890 kKal / kg) calculated as conventional fuel coefficient (K) : 0.51dimensions mm: 8 x 20weight: 1cubic/m = 650-750 kgDmitry PotashkinMarketing Managere-mail xxxxxcell +7 921 603 18 19 Yanalova street 42, of. 41 236000 KaliningradRussia, Kaliningrad,Russia


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OSE, Oil Service & Energy Inc

 Buenos dias:   Nuestra Empresa OSE, Oil Service & Energy Inc en Rusia, esta orientada a ofrecer diferentes servicios que apoyen el desarrollo de las actividades asociadas a la exploracion y produccion de petroleo, a la consultoria en el area de la Exploracion y produccion de hidrocarburos. Igualmente ofrecemos la ayuda de profesionales especializados con amplia experiencia que pueden ser asignados a los proyectos existentes en las diferentes companias. SERVICIOS: Brindamos consultaria y formacion en el area de la Exploracion y Produccion de hidrocarburos, ademas, productos de alta calidad para el equipamiento y terminacion de los pozos durante las operaciones de perforacion, completamiento y de produccion. Estamos listos para ayudar a dar soluciones a los problemas de servicios y suministros que garanticen sus necesidades. Tambien brindamos:Consultoria para larealizacion de estudios integrados en Exploracion: Seleccion, revision,validacion y analisis de la informacion (geologica, geofisica, geoquimica,etc.) Interpretaciongeofisica 2D y 3DInterpretaciongeologicaAnalisissedimentologico con ayuda de la estratigrafia secuencialDefinicion de lossistemas petrolerosConsultoria para larealizacion de estudios integrados en Explotacion de yacimientos:Lacaracterizacion de yacimientos gaso-petroliferos:realizacion del modelo estatico utilizando interpretacion sismica y analisisgeologico detallado, analisis petrofisico, interpretacion de los analisisconvencionales y especiales de las muestras de nucleos, distribucion de losdiferentes parametros del reservorio utilizando la geo-estadistica, analisis defracturas, escalamiento.Ingenieriabasica de yacimiento: Analisis del comportamiento delproduccion, interpretacion de los analisis PVT de los fluidos del reservorio,integracion de los analisis nucleos con los registros de pozo, calculo delPOES(GOES), interpretacion de pruebas de presiones, balance material, productividadde los pozos.LaSimulacion de yacimientos: Utilizacion demodernos simuladores de yacimiento con los diferentes modelos existentes;petroleo negro, composicional, termico. Ajuste historico de los parametros deproduccion y realizacion de diferentes escenarios de prediccion del yacimiento.Recuperacionmejorada de yacimiento: Estudio de losdiferentes metodos a aplicar en un yacimiento para mejorar el recobro final delmismo. (metodos termicos, miscibles, quimicos, etc.).Serviciosde seguimiento de pozos durante la perforacion:Controlgeologico de pozos: operaciones de wireline y demudlogging. Descripcion de la informacion salida del pozo utilizando FEMWD (Formation evaluation measurement while drilling).Formacion OSE,Oil Service & Energy Inc ha realizado grandes esfuerzos encaminados adesarrollar una serie de cursos para la formacion y la profundizacion deconocimientos en el area de la Exploracion-Produccion. Por el momento contamoscon la capacidad de ofrecer los siguientes temas:Caracterizacion dereservorios y construccion de modelos: Interpretacionsismica avanzada Creacion del modelogeologico Estudios petrofisicosLos tipos de rocas(rock-types) Creacion del modelode reservorio Escalamiento(Upscaling) Ingenieria dereservorio basica : SCAL (special coreanalysis) Caracterizacion delos fluidos del reservorio Analisis einterpretacion de las ensayos de pozos Analisis de laproduccion de los campos de petroleo y gas Utilizacion del“Balance material” para diferentes calculos Modelo de reservorioy simulacion : Inicializacion delmodelo de reservorio Preparacion eintroduccion de todos los datos (propiedades de los fluidos, de la roca, datosde produccion) Ajuste historico(History Match) Prevision delcomportamiento del campo Gestion de laproduccion (production management) : Rendimiento de lospozos (well performance) Planificacion de laperforacion de pozos Completamiento yensayo de pozos Estimulacion de pozosInstalaciones de superficieCursos Ingenieria deYacimientos. InterpretacionGeofisica. Interpretacion deRegistros de Pozos InterpretacionSismica Avanzada. EstratigrafiaSecuencial. Registros de Pozos,Interpretaciones Practicas. OSE, Oil Service & Energy Inc. Productos - Tuberias de Perforacion y Produccion, Tuberias en general en metal para Oleoductos (Line Pipe OIL) y Gasoductos (Line Pipe GAS). - Equipamiento y accesorios para el proceso de perforacion y produccion petrolera - Productos quimicos para la produccion y tratamiento de crudo, tratamiento de calderas - Tanques para almacenamiento y tratamiento de combustibles - Productos quimicos para la Cementacion - Servicios para la actividad petrolera. (Servicios a pozos, servicios al equipamiento de produccion, servicios de capacitacion) Recursos OSE, Oil Service & Energy Inc cuenta con un grupo de profesionales de diversas nacionalidades, altamente calificados tales como Geologos, Geofisicos, Ingenieros de Yacimientos, etc. con especialidades en geologia de produccion, sismica, interpretacion de registros y petrofisica, entre otras. Igualmente contamos con profesionales con amplia experiencia gerencial y de consultoria en el sector energetico. Asi mismo, mediante alianzas con otras empresas especializadas, nuestra base de recursos humanos y tecnicos se amplia de manera significativa; con lo cual podemos atender diversas areas tanto operacionales, de venta de equipamiento, y de apoyo al negocio petrolero y energetico en general. Ing.Adela Acosta VaillantGerenteComercial[email protected] /* */Skype:adelamoscu8 9295396536   /  +7 9295396536

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Agenzia di mediazione internazionale GO EST S.r.l. unipersonale

GO ESTS.r.l. is an internationalbusiness mediation agency operating in Russia whose services are dedicatedspecifically to Italian companies that intend to begin, increase and develop their businesses and investments in the Russian Federation, the CIS countries and on the territoryof the former USSR. The agency offers numerous services to Italian and otherforeign companies aiming at expanding their operations in Russia, allowing themto take part in new commercial missions and to participate in foreign tradeshows in order to obtain strategic positions and significant advantages overtheir competitors.GO EST is an occasion for new businessopportunities targeted at the acquisition of new clients and activeparticipation in new entrepreneurial projects, acting as your foreign salesdepartment and fostering the development of business relationships between yourcompany and Russian companies. Trusted professional agencies (legal, marketing,business consulting, web design services and more) are used to provide apersonalised service.The main field of the provided investmentassistance is the Russian energy (petroleum) sector. The GO EST Agency serves amissing link to the Russian petroleum business for the foreign investors andpetroleum traders.The website is available in Italian and inRussian.The services offered are: promotion offoreign business in Russia, assistance in foreign-economic activity,development of commercial relations, investments in Russia and in Europe andmore:·       representation,interpreting and translation services (consecutive or written, occasional or bysubscription) in Italian, Russian and Englishmanagement of business communicationsorganisational support for entering into contactsassistance in the incorporation of companies, registration of companies in Russia, branch offices, creation of joint-venturessupport in developing co-partnerships (in the “Projects” page of the website - updated constantly - it is possible to consult the investment and collaboration projects as well as the profiles of the Russian companies looking for commercial and financial partners)assistance in the setting up of the legal and juridical base for the economic relationshipscoordination of the integration and marketing of the company in Russiainternationalisation projects in Russia and in CIS countries and the territory of the former USSRmarketing of products and business consultingimport/export services, custom assistance in purchasing raw materials, equippment, materials ecc.promotional activities, event organisation, participation in trade shows, advertising campaigns in Russiapromotion of your company on the internet creating and managing a website in Russia, and positioning it on the main Russian search enginesassistance in delocalisation processes of the production compartmentforeign secretarial and administration services/export officemonthly subscriptions for representation and promotionaccompanying on business trips, reservations, invitations, visas, tickets in Russia and organisation and coordination ofbusiness trips, seminars, B2B meetings, entrepreneurial missions abroad

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Our company is theRussian exporter of coal. Also we carry out deliveries steam coal and cokingcoal from Indonesia, Southern Africa and the South America directly from themanufacturer. 


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The main activities of the company are:- Exploration and production of hydrocarbons- Gas and electricity- Production and marketing of petroleum products, gas sales and gas products- PetrochemicalsOil and gas producerOil and gas producer NashGaz is one of the largest sectors of the Russian oil. It accounts for about 7% of oil production in the country and 15% of gas produced in the domestic oil companies.  D2, Mazut & Jetfuel ..



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